What is KataQi Life?

KataQi Life is a mindset shift; an attitude;
a daily practise.

We think it, sense it, feel it, see it, hear it, and move in it.

 It’s an awareness we carry within, which sees and feels the beauty in everyday life. We begin to enhance our lives when we connect to nature…to light.

Classical Chinese medicine, together with Quantum Biology, creates a system that reminds us how coherent we are with nature. Health, healing, and thriving are fundamentally all about Light and Qi (energy). It’s all about our environment and lifestyle changes. We must live in a way that provides the energy we need from our environment at a cellular level.

I developed KataQi Life to represent the principles of nourishing your life in harmony with the natural rhythms of nature. It was inspired throughout my three decades in clinical practise. The missing link towards my clients healing and optimal health was their daily lifestyle habits. Ultimately, your life is your medicine, and KatQi Life reflects this.

One of the most important aspects of KataQi Life is that it has the potential to fundamentally change the way you think about your health and happiness.

It takes on the old, yet profound, but also very relevant philosophies of Oriental medicine and concepts. It transmits this ancient wisdom into our modern way of life.

KataQi Life contains pearls of wisdom directly rooted in the classical Chinese medicine texts, but also speak to us via Quantum Physics and Quantum Biology language of modern science.

KataQi Life has five main aspects:

1.      Cultivating your mind and spirit.

2.      Strengthening your body.

3.      Living in harmony with the laws of nature.

4.      Regulating your diet according to your own constitution.

5.      Cultivating your body with proper rest and sleep.

Dr. Kathryn’s message is simple, yet powerful:

“Your lifestyle is your medicine. Peak fitness and wellbeing begin by unlocking the peace and strength that is already within you. This is done through the balance and harmony of physiology, mind, and spirit…this is what I teach in Kataqi Life.”

— Dr. Kathryn Avramakis