About Us

Meet Dr. Kathryn Avramakis OMD

  • Integrative Classical Eastern Medicine Physician and Acupuncturist
  • Fitness expert and athlete
  • Qigong teacher (and lifelong student)
  • Plant-based nutrition 

My Story

Dr. Kathryn Avramakis initially completed the Bachelor of Science Degree in Biochemistry.

Later, she was inspired to pursue a Bachelor of Health Science in Chinese medicine and Acupuncture, following her father’s diagnosis of terminal cancer. Allopathic medicine had no answers, and the reductionist approach to health did not fit into the paradigm of holistic healing.

She later gained further experience both overseas, completing post-graduate studies and clinical internships in China and Taiwan under the supervision of gifted physicians in the field. 

Another life event shaped Kathryn’s journey. She was involved in a car accident in her late twenties. She broke her back and was completely immobilised for 12 months, laying face down on the floor. She was told she will never live a normal life again. 

She took matters into her own hands and put into practice the medicine she was practising, learning first-hand how Eastern Medicine, Faith, movement, rehab, Qigong, fitness, and nutrition can heal the body. Slowly, she was able to walk again. - Isaiah 43:2

Several years later, she went on to win 15 championship titles in figure bodybuilding, including the Miss Figure Universe Title in 2006. She then came out of a ten-year retirement, as a last minute decision, to achieve the runner-up for the World Title in 2016.

This is a true testament to the power of the mind and the body’s ability to heal.

Kathryn believes our body has the incredible capacity to heal itself, given the right conditions to do so.

The medicine she has been practicing is life-giving and rooted in truth and honesty.

With over 30 years clinical practice as a physician of acupuncture and Classical Chinese Medicine, Qigong teacher, personal trainer, and athlete, Dr. Kathryn shares these powerful truths through various platforms.

Kathryn created KataQi Life to share as much high frequency, true medicine, and holistic fitness methods.

With content centred around:

  • Conscious Living

  • Fitness & Qigong

  • Plant-based nutrition

  • Self-care

 KataQi Life has inspired and been inspired by many wonderful people, including her clients over 30 years.


Clinical internships:

  • Nanjing Hospital, China

  • Taichung Hospital, Taiwan

Former lecturer:

  • Victoria University

  • Melbourne College of Natural Medicine

  • Southern School of Natural Therapies

Cert 3 & 4 Fitness and Rehab


Post-grad Cert. in Clinical Integrative Canine Rehabilitation

& Animal Acupuncture

Cert. Animal Anatomy & Physiology

Cert. Medical Cannabis and Veterinary Medicine

Renal/Bladder disorders – TCM

Congestive Heart Failure - TCM

  • Bachelor of Science – Biochemistry

  • Bachelor of Health Science – Chinese medicine, Acupuncture

  • Post-Grad Dip – Clinical Acupuncture

  • Post-Grad Dip – Human Biosciences

  • Post-Grad Dip – Theology

  • Post-Grad Cert – Acup. & Medical Qigong (Nanjing TCM University, China)

  • Post-Grad Cert – Chinese med & Medical Qigong (Taichung TCM University, Taiwan)

  • Post-Grad Cert – Herbal medicine (Taichung, TCM University, Taiwan)


15X figure championships

4X Miss Australia 2004-2006,2016

Miss Southern Hemisphere 2006

Miss Figure Universe 2006

Miss Figure Worlds 2016 - Masters Figure runner up