Welcome to KataQi Life

…where your life becomes your medicine.

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The five pillars of KataQi Life:

1.      Cultivating your mind and spirit.

2.      Strengthening your body.

3.      Living in harmony with the laws of nature.

4.      Regulating your diet according to your own constitution.

5.      Cultivating your body with proper rest and sleep.

What is KataQi Life?

KataQi Life is a mindset shift; an attitude; a daily practice.

I developed KataQi Life to represent the principles of nourishing your life in harmony with the natural rhythms of nature. It was inspired throughout my three decades in clinical practise. The missing link towards my client’s optimal health & fitness was their daily lifestyle habits. Ultimately, your life is your medicine and KataQi Life reflects this.

Classical Chinese Medicine together with Quantum Biology, creates a system that reminds us how coherent we are with nature.

Healing and thriving are fundamentally all about Light and Qi (energy). It’s about our environment and lifestyle changes. Healing is ultimately a shift in consciousness. We must live in a way that provides the energy we need from our environment at a cellular level. It’s an inner awareness, faith, that transcends pain and suffering.

One of the most important aspects of KataQi Life is that it has the potential to fundamentally change the way you think about your health and happiness. It teaches you to keep shining your Light. It turns your pain into your blessing.

It also provides the edge you need for your fitness goals, whether you’re a professional sports person or someone who wants to take their fitness to the next level.

Dr. Kathryn’s message is simple, yet powerful:

“Your lifestyle is your medicine. Peak fitness and wellbeing begin by unlocking the peace and strength that is already within you. This is done through the balance and harmony of physiology, mind, and spirit. This is what I teach in KataQi Life.”

— Dr. Kathryn Avramakis

Discover KataQi Life Now


I uncover the power of plant based foods as nature's ultimate medicine. Here we bridge ancient and modern by interlacing the wisdom of traditional energy medicine with contemporary nutritional science based on Quantum biology. I simplify and clarify these truths, and show you ways to personalise your dietary plan in tune with your own unique needs. You will learn how your body engages with food and begin to nourish yourself without the confusion of diets and what to eat. This program is suitable for everyone, regardless of age or background.

  • I offer one-on-one consultations for athletes, including bodybuilders.

  • I also offer consultations for anyone experiencing chronic health issues.


I show you how to supercharge your body to fight ageing and disease by implementing daily exercise routines.

I also coach athletes and women who are interested in fitness/physique transformations - to become the strongest, fittest, and best version of yourself from the inside-out.

The best moments in our lives are not the passive, receptive, relaxing times. The best moments usually occur if a person’s body or mind is stretched to its limits in a voluntary effort to accomplish something difficult and worthwhile.” - Mihaly Csiksentmihaly


It all starts with creating new daily habits

It is only when you consciously create space to allow yourself to be in this subtle beauty that surrounds you – both internally and externally that you begin to refine your inner awareness.

All true healing & peak performance begins via the correct sunlight exposure that nature provides. This is the space from which you excel and live an extra-ordinary life. Sunlight is the master conductor of all of nature, providing energy for biological processes.

When you tune into nature’s rhythms, you give your body the opportunity to heal at a cellular level. You start embodying true healing at a deeper level.

You begin to sense it, feel it, think it, see it, hear it, and move in it.